Natural Home Remedies Blog

Friday, February 09, 2007

Relieve Constipation With These Home Remedies

The most common home remedy for constipation is the same home remedy for weight gain – diet and exercise. Much constipation is caused by lack of physical exercise and poor diet.

Every one should have 6-8 8 ounce glasses of liquid every day. The best liquid for preventing constipation and overall good health is water. 20-35 grams of dietary fiber each day is the American Dietetic Association's adult recommendation. Good sources of fiber are fruits, vegetables and whole grains.

The recommended amount of fiber isn't difficult to achieve. One small apple will supply an adult with three grams of fiber, while a half cup of peas will supply five grams. A bowl of bran cereal is good for 13 grams of fiber. The best fiber providers, and great home remedies for constipation are prunes, dried beans, raisins, popcorn, figs, pears, oatmeal and nuts.

Those who are trying to use these high fiber foods as a home remedy for constipation should do so gradually however. An overabundance of high fiber foods can cause very painful gas.

Any type of regular exercise is a great home (or gym) remedy for constipation. What keeps the heart in shape gets the bowels working well also. Walking is one of the best exercises for the prevention or cure of constipation.

Relieving tension at home is a remedy for constipation as well. Relaxation can loosen your bowels. When someone is frightened or tense their mouth dries up and their heart beat increases. Slow down and take it easy. This also causes the bowels to contract as well. A relaxing tape, a good book, a funny movie with a good friend – these are some home remedies that can cure or prevent constipation, and are good for our overall mental, emotional and physical well being as well. Laughing is especially helpful, as it massages the intestines and this helps digestion.

Rather than resorting to harsh over the counter laxatives which can actually make bowels addicted to them and make the constipation worse, a home remedy is recommended by a physician.

This doctor said that laxatives based on psyllium are costly. He advises that constipation sufferers concoct their own home remedy by going to a health food store and buying psyllium seeds. He said the patient should grind the seeds into two parts of psyllium, one part of oat bran and one part flax. These ingredients are mixed with water and eaten as a mash about 9pm each night.

Many medications can exacerbate or even cause constipation. The most common causes are antacids that have calcium or aluminum as one of their ingredients. Antihistamines can cause constipation as can drugs prescribed to combat Parkinson's Diseases. Diuretics are well known as causes of constipation as are calcium supplements, narcotics, phenothazines, tricyclic antidepressant medications and sedatives.

Many home remedies for constipation are herbal. They are aloe juice, senna, cascara sagrada, medicinal rhubarb, root of dandelion and plaintain seeds. Of these the most effect is probably cascara sagrada. Overuse can be harmful, however, so approach these herbal home constipation remedies with care.

About the Author:
Lee Dobbins writes for where you can find more tips on home remedies and improving your health and energy naturally.

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Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Backache - Causes And Home Remedies


Back problems affect all kinds of people. Ever since human beings stood upright they have been having trouble with their backs. Mostly 80 percent of people will experience back pain at some point in their lives, and slightly more men suffer from it than women.

The pain can be sudden and severe or chronic if it has lasted more than three months. Lumbago often occurs in younger people whose work involves physical effort and is not uncommon in people of retirement age. As the back bears the weight of the entire body, overweight persons feel the strain on the back when they have to carry an extra load. Eight out of ten Americans will experience a backache at some point. Back pain is the second most common reason for doctor visits in the U.S.

Causes of backache

There are many causes of backache, but the largest number result from strain due to fatigue and lack of balance. Strain may result from unnatural posture while sitting, standing and walking, or a one-sided occupation. Those who carry weight on one side, such as postmen, or children with their school books usually over one shoulder may have considerable backache and may develop definite spinal curvature. You are at particular risk for low back pain if you :-

• Work in construction or another job requiring heavy lifting, lots of bending and twisting, or whole body vibration (like truck driving or using a sandblaster)
• Have bad posture
• Smoke, don't exercise, or are overweight
• Have arthritis or osteoporosis
• Have a low pain threshold
• Feel stressed or depressed
• Kidney problems
• Wearing of high heel shoes
• Long hours of sitting

Home Remedies for backache

*Vitamin C that is mainly found in citrus fruits is good for getting rid of backaches. Consume about 2000 mg of this vitamin everyday either it by medicine or by good vitamin food stuff.

*Persons with back problems should sleep on a firm mattress on their sides with knees bent at right angles.

*Yogic asanas are the good home remedies for the treatment of backache like bhujangasana, shalabhasana, halasana, uttarpadasana, and shavasana.

*The most important home remedy for backache is garlic. Two or three cloves should be taken every morning to get relief. Oil prepared from garlic and rubbed on the back will give immediate relief.

*Lemon is also another useful home remedy for backache. The juice of one lemon mixed with common salt and taken by the patient twice daily gives immediate relief.

*An infusion of meadowsweet three times a day combined with a rub on the area with lobelia and cramp bark is useful for physical strain or rheumatic problems.

By: ashu

Alien writes for Home remedies. Check out the backache treatment and also home remedies for backache.

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Monday, February 05, 2007

Are There Asthma Attack Home Remedies - Or Just Hot Air?

If you have asthma and you start looking for information on the Internet, you'll soon find several websites offering "100% sure" asthma attack home remedies. And it is very probable that you'll feel tempted to buy one of them. No one likes being forced to take corticosteroids on a daily basis and an alternative, sometimes any alternative is always welcome. If effective asthma attack home remedies were really available at your drug store, of course you would buy them.

Do you see a logical problem there? Home remedies are by definition not bought, so avoid buying "asthma attack home remedies". If you're going to take some pills, make sure that you really know what's inside them.

But the fact that some people try to sell asthma attack home remedies doesn't mean that there are no remedies beside advanced chemistry. There are some that can not only prevent, but also stop an asthma attack. Such home remedies can be easily used as a support for a standard treatment, especially in case of mild asthma, but they should never replace standard medications.

Below there are a few asthma and asthma attack home remedies. Some of them work wekk, some of them are just "supposed" to work, but fortunately all of them are completely safe. Generally, all of them are different methods of warming your airways. This often prevents or helps during an asthma attack.

Hot bathroom

During an asthma attack, some people run into their bathroom, close the door and try to create as much warm steam as possible. Alternatively, they have a very hot bath or try some similar home remedy. The increased air temperature eases the attack and makes breathing much easier, though if you don't suffer from asthma, we might think just the opposite.

Of course if your asthma is severe, it is recommended to use your inhaler or nebulizer instead of any asthma attack home remedies.

Hot water or coffee

Another common acne home remedy is drinking hot coffee, tea or plain hot water. On their way down, these drinks warm the airways and can ease the attack. The mechanism of these asthma attack home remedies is similar to the hot bathroom ones, but they are much easier to apply. The only problem is that during an acute attack this might be not enough.

Yes, asthma attack home remedies may seem simple, but often they are very effective.

About the Author:
Mark Walters leads the fight against asthma from his web domain

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Natural Home Remedies for Strep Throat

There are many ways of helping the body in dealing with infections. Home remedies for strep throat are various and they include many aspects: diet, natural antiseptics, natural analgesics or natural antibacterial cures. Used appropriately, home remedies for strep throat can speed up the process of healing by fighting bacteria and by stimulating the immune system of the body.

Strep throat can occur to anyone, at any time. Although children and teenagers are the ones who often get strep throat, adults may also be affected by this illness. Strep throat occurs due to infection with group A streptococcus bacteria. This type of bacteria is very contagious and can be easily transmitted through secretions (sneezing, coughing) or physical contact (handshake, touch).

Even perfect hygiene can't prevent strep throat from occurring, as the bacteria that cause the infection are also airborne. In some cases, you can contract the bacteria responsible for strep throat just by standing next to a contaminated person.

The most common symptoms for strep throat are inflammation and swelling of the throat, inflammation and swelling of the tonsils, swelling and tenderness of the lymph glands, difficulty in swallowing, fever, headache, nausea, fatigue, vomiting and diarrhea.

There are home remedies for strep throat that can ease each of these symptoms. However, it is very important to understand that home remedies for strep throat can't completely replace medical treatments prescribed by a physician. Strep throat is an infection caused by bacteria and therefore needs appropriate treatment that consists of antibiotics.

Although there are natural alternatives for medical antibiotics, they are considerably less effective in fighting bacteria on their own. Home remedies for strep throat that can act as antibiotics are garlic, honey, olive leaf extract and tea tree oil. Such home remedies for strep throat can help in fighting infection and inflammation, but medical treatment shouldn't be ignored. In fact, most home remedies for strep throat should be used only in addition to medical treatment with antibiotics.

Home remedies for strep throat pain, discomfort and soreness are chamomile, sage, peppermint, lavender, jasmine, rosemary and thyme. These can either be used as essences or ointments and are very efficient in reducing the pain and for relaxing the body. Peppermint and chamomile teas can relief abdominal pain, reduce nausea and can also correct internal disorders such as diarrhea.

A quick, effective, home remedy for strep throat is salty water gargle. By washing the oral cavity with salty water a few times a day you can help the body in overcoming the bacteria responsible for the infection.

When suffering from strep throat, make sure you get enough sleep. Sleep is vital for body regeneration and for maintaining a strong immune system. However, due to the discomfort and pain caused by the infection with bacteria, you might have difficulties in falling asleep. Home remedies for strep throat that have both sedative and analgesic effects are ginseng and passion flower.

Home remedies for strep throat are a very good means of speeding up the process of recovery. By following an appropriate medical treatment and a few good home remedies for strep throat, you will quickly overcome the infection and revitalize your body.

About the Author:

So if you want to find out more information about home remedy for strep throat, and especially about strep throat in adults, please follow this link

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Home Remedies For Asthma Sufferers

There are a number of home remedies for asthma - some more effective than others. There are many "old wives tales" that have been handed down over the years, and many of these are really not effective at all. The best home remedy for asthma is one that everyone with asthma should practice - environmental control.

By environmental control, we are talking about controlling things in your home that will help to avoid asthma attacks. Historically, asthma treatments have dealt with the symptoms of an attack, after the attack has already started. The only preventative measure that was offered for many years was "avoid exercising and getting short of breath".

Over the last several years, much more has been learned about the causes and effects of asthma and it's now realized that asthma doesn't just sit dormant waiting for a flare-up. It is more like diabetes - a chronic condition that can be affected by your lifestyle and environment.

Because certain things in your home can trigger as asthma attack, one of the primary keys to avoiding it is to control your home's environment. So forget about inhaling crushed garlic or drinking onion tea - try some of these home remedies that actually work:

1. Avoid smoking or letting anyone else smoke in your home. Cigarette smoke is one of the most common irritants that causes asthma attacks.

2. Don't burn fires in wood fireplaces or stoves - the smoke from the fire can also irritate.

3. Watch what you spray in the air. Things like air fresheners, perfumes and cleaning products can get into the lungs and trigger asthma attacks.

4. Keep your home as dust-free as possible. Dust mites are one of the most common irritants for asthma sufferers. And this doesn't just mean dusting regularly, it also means avoiding things that can cause dust to accumulate:

- Use polyester filled comforters and pillows
- Wash all bedding in HOT water (130 degrees plus) weekly
- Cover your mattresses and pillows with covers that are mite-proof
- Use a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter which traps dust mites and other allergens. Many vacuum cleaners simply blow them back out after picking them up.

5. Avoid mold build-up, again one of the most common asthma triggers.

- Wipe down the bathroom and laundry room with bleach weekly
- Avoid humidifiers as they can encourage mold growth
- Use a fan or improve the ventilation in bathrooms to decrease moisture

About the Author:
Jackson Sperry offers advice about asthma symptoms, treatments and other related topics for the Asthma Explained website. For more helpful tips and advice, visit

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