Natural Home Remedies Blog

Thursday, September 14, 2006

If You Have Hair Loss Issues Try These Herbal Remedies

As you grow older, you may begin to notice side effects. Chances are, you will soon notice the ever dreaded effect of hair loss, if you haven't already. Of course, ways to fight or hide it have come about through different solutions, such as drugs and wigs.

Unfortunately with drugs come unwanted side effects and wigs/hair replacement therapies can become quite expensive. But, rest assured there is another way: herbal remedies. Between gingko biloba, green tea, and he shou wu, you're sure to find something that's right for you, as these natural alternatives result in the best hair loss treatment.

Hair grows from the hair follicle. Hence, when the hair follicle is healthy and stimulated, it prevents hair loss, while promoting hair growth. Gingko biloba is believed to increase blood circulation to the brain and skin. This increased circulation the sends out nutrients to the hair follicle. Herbalists suggest 3 doses of 120 to 160 mg of the dry extract herb.

DHT renders quite unkind to hair. When the enzyme 5 alpha reductase (which transforms testosterone into DHT) is released, it can result in male baldness. Green tea contains compounds (called "catechins"), which may restrict the 5 alpha reductase enzymes. In addition to that, green tea does something similar to gingko biloba: increases circulation. The reason for this is because green tea relaxes blood vessels. Over consumption of green tea can result in headaches, vomiting, and sleeplessness, so it is important to keep track of how much green tea you intake. The recommended dosage for the best hair loss treatment is no more than 5 cups of green tea a day (300 mg).

Based on the thought that liver blood feeds the head (and the hair on the head), and the liver essence stocks semen and helps control the aging process (a factor of hair loss), he shou wu is the way to go. He shou wu is a herbal remedy used to treat hair loss traditionally by the Chinese. He shou wu sustains the liver and kidneys in its processed form.

The liver and kidneys are considered the foundation of blood and essence, according to traditional Chinese. Confirmed by clinical trials, at least one benefit of he shou wu is a hair loss treatment. 60% of individuals taking the herb experienced hair re-growth within three months! To purchase he shou wu, go to a Chinese herb store. Once purchased, take about five tablets three times a day; they are about $2.00 for one hundred tablets.

For a healthy, natural, inexpensive way to experience hair re-growth, put aside potentially dangerous synthesized medications,. Think no more about hair extensions or wigs. Instead, focus on the natural, anciently-used herbs for the healthiest, best hair loss treatment.
Gregg Hall is an author living in Navarre Florida.Find more about this as well as Avacor Hair Loss Remedy at

Find 100% effective Natural Home Remedies and Herbal Treatments

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Home remedies for whooping cough

A whooping cough patient should do away from all foods, which produce phlegm like milk, ghee, sweets, rice, refined flour products, sugar and lentils. His diet should consist of oranges, muskmelon, tomatoes and raspberry. Vegetables like spinach, cabbage, gourds, should be taken in a boiled from without addition of any condiments. Whole meal bread and roasted potatoes could also be given.

The patient should be encouraged to fast for a couple of days with the onset of the symptoms of whooping cough. The fasting period should be followed by a week of living on oranges only. Another precaution is to see that the child does not develop costiveness.

For more information visit Natural Home Remedies for Cough, Herbal Remedy

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Home remedies for goiter

How can goiter be cured?

Goitre, also known, as bronchocele is a term applied to the swelling on the front of the neck caused by the enlargement of the thyroid gland. It is caused by deficiency of iodine in the diet. It is an endemic disease prevalent in the hill districts of the country. The growth of the thyroid gland is generally unattended by pain but if the goiter becomes large it may cause hoarseness. Too enlarged a goiter interferes with breathing and capacity to swallow.

The best way to deal with goiter is to take foods, which contain natural iodine. They are water nut (singhara), lotus reed, stem to the lotus, tuber of the plant cuperus tuberosus and pineapple.

In addition, the sufferer from goiter must follow the general principles of nature cure and take a natural diet.

For more information visit Natural Home Remedies and Herbal Treatments

Monday, September 11, 2006

Home remedies for sore throat

A sore throat is usually the result of a chill. Milk, and milk products are harmfuls are harmful in such a condition. Take a glass of lukewarm water with a spoonful of honey in the morning and before sleep at night. Apply a cold compress to the throat and cover the compress with a woolen cloth. For a week take only bread, vegetables and fruits.

For more information, visit Natural Home Remedies and Herbal Treatments

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Home remedies for Backache

A patient enquires: How can I get rid of backache, which has become my constant companion?

Backache may be due to many reasons. Disorders, which cause it, should be tackled first. Gout, constipation, a wrong posture and menstrual disorders of women can cause backache. If the pain persists even after these maladies have been cured, hot fomentation and massaging the affected part can help because in that case the ache may be due to accumulation of excess blood in the lumber region. Hot fomentation and massage will dispel the blood and give relief.

For more information, visit Natural Home Remedies and Herbal Treatments