Smell Fresh Throughout The Day
It a well-known fact that perspiration is the prime cause of the body odour. While bacteria are the primary cause, there may be underlying causes like excessive sweating, low blood sugar, metabolic dysfunction, menopause or even emotional stress(anger, fear, excitement). Any imbalances in metabolism or diet, resulting in constipation may also result in stronger odours. Some individuals cannot metabolise foods containing large amounts of choline, such as eggs, fish, liver and legumes. This results in a “fishy” smell.
Certain foods and drinks, such as onions, garlic, coffee, and alcohol, are also prime causes of body odour.
Home remedies
These tips are highly rated and useful in curing body odour, try this and see the difference yourself.
-Bathe daily, twice a day to remove the bacteria form your skin.
-Scrub the armpits with a soapy washcloth, as that will work better to remove the bacteria than soap. Homemade bath powder with triphalas and green gram flour is preferable as it helps fight bacteria than regular soaps.
-If you have a severe problem, soak yourself for 15 minutes in a tub of water after adding three cups of tomato juice.
-Wear loose- fitting clothes and allow the body to breathe better than tight clothes.
-Synthetic fabrics for shoes and clothes do not allow the body to breathe, so use cotton fabrics. Wash your clothes often!
-Certain foods, such as meat, onions, garlic, exotic spices, and drinks such as coffee and alcohol can lead to body odour. Try to eliminate these from your diet and see the difference!
-Certain medicines also cause body odour. Check if there are changes when you stop taking medication.
-Kapooram (camphor) powder also makes for a good astringent. However, kapooram does not dissolve in water easily. To make a mild astringent, keep two teaspoonfuls of the fine kapooram powder mixed in a bottle of water in the sun for about 15 days. Shake well before use.
-Turnip juice reduces underarm odour for up to 10 hours. Grate a turnip; squeeze the juice through cheesecloth, so that you have two tablespoonfuls of juice. Wash your armpits with it.
-Use baby powder or talc in the areas of heavy perspiration.
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Certain foods and drinks, such as onions, garlic, coffee, and alcohol, are also prime causes of body odour.
Home remedies
These tips are highly rated and useful in curing body odour, try this and see the difference yourself.
-Bathe daily, twice a day to remove the bacteria form your skin.
-Scrub the armpits with a soapy washcloth, as that will work better to remove the bacteria than soap. Homemade bath powder with triphalas and green gram flour is preferable as it helps fight bacteria than regular soaps.
-If you have a severe problem, soak yourself for 15 minutes in a tub of water after adding three cups of tomato juice.
-Wear loose- fitting clothes and allow the body to breathe better than tight clothes.
-Synthetic fabrics for shoes and clothes do not allow the body to breathe, so use cotton fabrics. Wash your clothes often!
-Certain foods, such as meat, onions, garlic, exotic spices, and drinks such as coffee and alcohol can lead to body odour. Try to eliminate these from your diet and see the difference!
-Certain medicines also cause body odour. Check if there are changes when you stop taking medication.
-Kapooram (camphor) powder also makes for a good astringent. However, kapooram does not dissolve in water easily. To make a mild astringent, keep two teaspoonfuls of the fine kapooram powder mixed in a bottle of water in the sun for about 15 days. Shake well before use.
-Turnip juice reduces underarm odour for up to 10 hours. Grate a turnip; squeeze the juice through cheesecloth, so that you have two tablespoonfuls of juice. Wash your armpits with it.
-Use baby powder or talc in the areas of heavy perspiration.
Find 100% Effective and Natural Home Remedies and Herbal Treatments.