Natural Home Remedies Blog

Friday, October 13, 2006

Wonder Remedies For Curing Constipation At Home

Constipation does not come of its own. You extend the cordial invitation to it by your wrong life style habits. It is more about wrong intake of food without understanding how the human mechanism functions.

Fortunately though there are many time tested home remedies to treat constipation. But before you begin with these remedies, you are required to learn to identify the symptoms of constipation on time.

Well, constipation makes its presence felt in many parts of your body. You may feel heaviness and pain in the stomach, tongue mucus coat accompanied with loss of appetite, wind formation, fever and hypertension, drowsiness and palpitation.

“Your food is your grave,” goes the wise saying. Eating at all the times without rhyme or reason leads to constipation. So you are always advised to add lots of vegetables and salads in your diet as it is easy to digest and prevents constipation.

The other mind level causes are late night sleeping, emotional disturbance due to worry, fear and stress. Such disturbances in your lifestyle will only hamper the inner mechanism of the body and hamper the easy passage of stools. They may stimulate the nervous system in excess and result in concentration of toxins within the body. Next, consuming excess of tea, coffee, cigarettes and alcohol, you will only add fuel to the fire. These elements worsen the situation.
The home remedies for constipation are simple and direct. Mix 2 tspns of caster oil in the warm milk and take it before going to bed. This will help easy evacuation in the morning. This works wondrous in the severe cases.

Immediately after waking up, eat one liter of warm water and walk around. Or, alternatively drink warm water mixed with lemon juice. You can also take two spoonfuls of aloe gel twice a day. The good results will be seen soon.

The master remedy for constipation is the Ayurvedic one. It is known as Trifala Churna. It is the mixture of powders of three types of herbs in specified proportions. You need to take it along with warm water or milk at the time of going to bed.

The home remedy that you will take will lose much of its effectiveness unless you take certain preventive measures. Pay special attention to your diet. It should be easily digestible.
The emphasis is again on fruits, vegetables and salads. Don't take stale food. Chew the food thoroughly. Unless you are hungry don't eat. Maintain a gap of at least 4 hours between the meals. Also, it is proper time for you to consider about certain physical exercises. See that you get sound sleep and this is possible by the overall discipline that you are going to implement in your lifestyle. Many Home Remedies articles are available at Disease Remedies &

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Monday, October 09, 2006

The Whole Truth About Acne Home Remedies

A lot of people suffer from acne. Anyone with acne has one goal in mind: to get rid of it. The severity of the condition will vary between people, as will the effectiveness of certain treatments. You shouldn't have to deal with the embarrassment of blemishes on your face. The prescription and over-the-counter medications vary in price and effectiveness toward your skin. But why not try a few acne home remedies first? You may find something that works for you from your very own bathroom or kitchen.

The main purpose of an acne medication is to unclog your pores and calm inflammation. Acne home remedies are usually not for extreme cases, but more aimed at the mild to occasional blemishes. Some acne home remedies sound a little silly, and are not tested or proven by a real dermatologist. Some home remedies may worsen your condition or not effect it at all. You should be aware of this possibility before you try any of these. Common acne home remedies include: salt water, toothpaste, egg whites, ice, apple cider vinegar, steam, or wheat germ.

Washing your face with warm, mild salt water dries up excess acne-inducing oils. The advantage to using this instead of a normal soap to wash your face is that it is less likely to aggravate the acne or your skin.

Applying a bit of toothpaste on a visible pimple before you go to sleep helps reduce swelling. It also keeps the area free of oils that could make the spot worse. Be sure to use an actual paste because a gel will not have the same effect. This is the most common of all the acne home remedies.

Dab egg whites on a pimple that is already on the surface. If you leave it on overnight, it is said to draw out the infection and speed up the healing process.

Holding a cube of ice on acne before bed should visibly decrease the inflammation and swelling. It may also reduce the chances of scarring after your skin has cleared up.

Placing a cotton ball into apple cider Vinegar and then applying it to your infected area will almost instantly reduce swelling. This works especially well for large inflamed spots.

You are always advised not to squeeze any pimples, however, blackheads will not go away on their own. Opening your pores using steam to can assist you when you are cleaning your face. Take a hot shower or put your head over the vapors of a boiling pot of water.

Wheat germ, which can be found in most stores, is one of the only acne home remedies taken internally. Taking wheat germ with one meal a day can clear your acne and leave your skin softer than it was before because it is rich in helpful vitamins.

The most commonly effective acne home remedies are found in most homes. The benefit of experimenting with these on your blemishes is that you don't have to go out and buy anything. If it doesn't work, you didn't waste any money in the process. If it does help the condition of your acne, then you have a great, cheap solution to your problem.

About Author:John Wellington runs the site which helps people who suffer from acne and to basically provide them with sound advice and counsel.

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Sunday, October 08, 2006

What Is A Home Remedy?

Home Remedies - Facts or Quacks?

Myths and legends often have their basis in a grain of truth. So I wondered if home remedies, alternative treatments, and folklore cures might also be based on truth. First, let’s try to define the phrase home remedy.

There’s No Place Like Home

The name itself proclaims that a home remedy is, well, a remedy that’s administered at home! Prescription drugs are often given at home as remedies, so we need to dig a little deeper. When you think of home remedy, don’t you think of some sort of cure or treatment that’s outside mainstream modern medicine? Me too. Let’s take a look at some choices.

The Holistic View

The dictionary defined holistic medicine as an approach to medical care that emphasizes the study of all aspects of a person's health, including physical, psychological, social, economic, and cultural factors. The holistic definition is very broad and could apply to many medical approaches.

Peaches & Herbs?

Many people associate herbs with home remedies. The definition for herbal remedy is a plant, or plant part, or an extract or mixture of these used to prevent, alleviate, or cure disease called also herbal medicine. That sounds like a good definition, although home remedies tend to encompass more than herbal remedies.

What’s next? Folk Medicine

Folk medicine is defined as traditional medicine especially as practiced by people isolated from modern medical services, and usually involving the use of plant-derived remedies on an empirical basis. Now we’re getting somewhere! The old-timers practiced medicine not based entirely on plants when modern medicine wasn’t available. Let’s dig a little deeper into the dictionary.

Home At Last

Finally we find the dictionary’s definition of home remedy: a simply prepared medication or tonic often of unproven effectiveness administered without prescription or professional supervision. So - it is a remedy prepared outside the realm of modern medicine, it’s not limited to herbs, but unproven effectiveness? I disagree. I can prove that some of the simplest home remedies have led to some of our greatest medical breakthroughs (but that’s another article).

Is That Your Final Answer?

Based on the research above, let’s agree to define a home remedy as follows: An experienced-based or even accidental remedy or cure prepared by common folk from herbs, plants, or other available ingredients when modern medical help was unavailable (or hadn’t been devised yet). That’s my answer, and I’m sticking to it! Want to try free home remedies for yourself? Use the resources below to learn more. You can save time, money, and embarrassment.

About Author:Discover secret home remedies at that show you how to use mayonnaise, duct tape, yogurt, soda, mouthwash, peroxide, thread and other common ingredients to cure common but embarrassing conditions.

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