Natural Home Remedies Blog

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Easy Home Remedies For Clear Skin

There are few things more frustrating than blemished skin, so consider turning to these easy home remedies for clear skin instead of harsh and expensive skin care creams and washes. Especially if you have sensitive skin, you will most likely find that over the counter and prescription skin care products are too strong and can potentially add to the problem with your skin. Furthermore, a trip down any grocery store or drug store aisle will produce an overwhelming number of skin care products that can easily rack up a hefty bill. Instead, save your skin in addition to saving a few bucks by whipping up a quick and easy skin care remedy out of items that are probably already in your home.

* Clear Your Skin From Within *

Remember the old saying, you are what you eat? Although the adage has been around for years, the advice is completely up to date. If you find yourself suffering from acne or other skin blemishes, take a look of your body from the inside out. Your body notifies you when something is off balance, especially when you are lacking the proper nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. This notification can likely express itself in the appearance of blemishes. Instead of slathering your skin with items from the beauty aisle, take a walk down the rest of the aisle in your grocery store in order to experience a regeneration of your skin. Eating a well-rounded, healthy diet is incredibly important. Be sure to include lots of fresh fruit and vegetables in your diet, as the nutrients provided by these items are critical. Furthermore, drink at least eight eight-ounce glasses of water each day to ensure that your skin remains well hydrated.

* Skip The Drug Store And Head To The Kitchen *

Read any label of skin care product available on the retail market and you may find your tummy rumbling. These skin care products are packed with edible ingredients, from oatmeal to honey to avocado to cucumber.

Instead of buying these expensive, heavily preserved creams, lotions, and potions, consider making the alternative mixtures yourself.

Look no further than your kitchen for many fantastic home remedies for clear skin.

When you see a zit pop up, avoid the urge to squeeze! Instead, dab a bit of lemon juice on a cotton swab and apply to the affected area.

The acid in the lemon juice will help extract any infection and your will avoid adding more bacteria to the mix by keeping your hands off your skin.

Since one of the main problems associated with skin blemishes is dead skin cells, exfoliation is critical. Instead of spending big bucks on fancy bottles and containers of exfoliants, grab a canister of old fashioned oatmeal.

Mix with water and scrub your skin clean. The gentleness of the oatmeal is perfect for even the most sensitive skin and the grainy consistency will remove any dead skin cells before they have a problem.

You probably use toothpaste with baking soda for whitening your teeth, so why not use the same product to clear up your skin?

Each night, wash your face with baking soda and water. This mixture is perfect for keeping your skin clean and dry. The basic property of the baking soda works to dry up the excess oils that typically cause skin blemishes.

If a pimple rears its ugly head then you should head immediately to your stove. Mix ground nutmeg with milk and boil.

After the concoction is completely cooled, apply to the affected area and let dry overnight. Wash the yummy mixture off your face in the morning and you will be surprised by the results!

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Home Remedies For Bloodshot Eyes

As the name suggests bloodshot eyes makes your eyes blood colored. The blood vessels in the white portion of the eyes are enlarged and irritated causing the redness. Some common reasons for the redness of the eyes are due to coughing, eyestrain, dry air, over exposure to sun, dust, foreign body, an allergic reaction, infection, trauma, fatigue, alcohol consumption, lack of vitamin B2 and B6 and high blood pressure. You can get bloodshot eyes by Blepharitis - Caused by skin bacteria that leads to itching and turns your eyelid greasy and crusty.

Conjunctivitis - Also known as pink eye is caused by a virus, bacteria and allergy or skin irritation. It is very contagious if caused by an organism.

Corneal ulcers - It is caused by viral infection affecting the outer cover of the eye.

Uveitis - It causes inflammation of uvea, including iris, ciliary body and choroids. It is related to autoimmune disorder, infection or exposure to toxins.

Home Remedies for Bloodshot Eyes

Reduce the redness by splashing cold water over closed eyes. This soothes the eye and shrinks the blood vessels as in case of an allergic reaction.

You can apply cold compress to your eyes by using an ice pack wrapped in a towel.

Use warm compress for red eyes without any itching. This may be due to fatigue or tiredness

Put three drops of rose water in your eyes.

Soak cotton pad in a mixture of rose water, milk and Aloe Vera juice. Place these cotton pads over your closed eyes for 10-20 minutes in a dimly lit room. This will help in reducing the redness.

You can try the hot and cold compress on your eyes, alternately.

Stay away from allergy triggering agents which may lead to bloodshot eyes.Goldenseal is a native medicinal plant that contains berberine which compresses blood vessels and helps in reducing the bloodshot effect.

You can use it as a compress or wash to get rid of the pain. To get relief from bloodshot eyes have two ripe tomatoes first thing in the morning on empty stomach. The vitamin C and flavonoids in the tomatoes makes the blood vessel walls stronger.

You can also use non-preservative artificial tears, this helps in soothing your eyes and clearing the redness.Wear genuine preservative-free contact lenses. The ones with preservatives can cause redness and other related infections.

Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.

Reference: Kevin Pederson is the webmaster for many home based treatment sites helping you fight the battle with easy home based cures. Natural Cure for Bloodshot eyes. Simple and easy methods treat this problem instantly.

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Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Causes and Remedies of Dark Eye Circles

Nine out of 10 people have dark circles under eyes, so it is quite common to have them more or less visible.

Unless there are genetically inherited, the factors that can cause dark eye circles are related to stress, fatigue, age, allergies, sun exposure and so on. The good news is there are remedies for each situation. Let's see:

Lack or poor quality of sleep. Sleep means a minimum activity for the body. It is an opportunity for rest and restoration in organs and tissues. Dermatologists recommend 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep every night. If not, blood vessels become more visible resulting in dark eye circles.

Increased fluid retention. This condition may be a consequence of internal disorder due of the blood vessels located under the eye areas can become dilated and engorged. But very often fluid retention is caused by a salt dietary or smoking. In these situations the solution is a normal diet and/or smoking cessation.

Aging. On one hand aging may produce sunken appearance. On the other hand the skin may lose its tension and firmness. You may improve your appearance using cosmetic products with antioxidant ingredients such as Vitamins A and C and green tea. Also nourish and moisturize the under eye areas using an appropriate cream.

Sun exposure. It can contribute to dark eye circles by weakening the skin and creating 'age spots'. You may use the anti aging remedies described above, plus a sunscreen use everyday.
Food allergies. In many cases, dark eye circles are a consequence of an allergic condition caused by a some food your body cannot tolerate well. If you can associate appearance of dark circles with a special food intake, you better avoid it.

Valerian D is a freelance writer specialized in issues affecting men and women as well such as dark eye circles

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Home Remedies For Toothache

Just about the only thing that is worse than having a toothache is having to go to the dentist so that he can fix it! While you might try to ignore a toothache and hope it goes away you really need to have it checked out as most toothaches are due to tooth or jaw problems like dental cavity, cracked tooth, exposed tooth root, gum disease, jaw point diseases or spasm of the muscles used for chewing.

The severity of a toothache can range from chronic, mild to sharp, and excruciating. The pain may worsen or get aggravated by eating and drinking hot and cold foods and beverage. The weather can also worsen the situation.

Dental cavity is the most common cause of toothache. Dental cavities are holes in the two outer layers of the tooth called the enamel and the dentin. The enamel is the outermost white hard surface and the dentin is the yellow layer just beneath the enamel. Certain bacteria in the mouth that convert simple sugars to acid causing dental cavities. This acid softens and dissolves the enamel and dentin creating cavities.

While you really do need to get to the root of the problem with your dentist, here’s some home remedies that you can use until you can get an appointment:

When toothache occurs, avoid hot, cold or sweet drinks for this will help prevent pain from pulpitis.

Chewing cloves or rubbing clove oil on the tooth is good for toothache.
Mixture of crushed clove and peanut butter will provide relief. Apply this to the aching tooth and keep it in there for some time.
Make a solution of salt and water and gargle.
Turmeric sticks are good for toothache. Burn some turmeric sticks, make a fine powder, and use it as toothpowder.
Chew a clove slowly in the aching tooth to release the juice and leave it there for about half an hour. Do this three to four times.
Ginger is also good. Try to do the same procedure as the cloves and it gives same relief.
Drink juice of star fruit twice a day to get relief from the tooth pain.
Drops of vanilla extract on the affected tooth are an effective remedy.
Oil of oregano on the paining tooth is also effective.
You may also use Listerine antiseptic by gargling it.
Ice is a traditional relief for toothache. Chew a piece of ice on the aching side of the mouth, although in the case of cavity this may make it hurt more!
If the pain is prolonged and severe, painkillers may provide some relief.

You may be able to avoid the pain of toothache all together by keeping your teeth and gums clean and healthy. Try to avoid cavities by reducing the intake of sugary foods and drinks. Make them as an occasional treat and at meal times only. Brush your teeth and floss regularly.
Visiting the dentist every 6 months for a cleaning will help to ensure healthy teeth and gums. This way, you can avoid most toothache by catching any problems in their early stages where the treatment will be less severe.

Lee Dobbins writes for where you can find out more about natural treatments and home remedies.

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Monday, September 25, 2006

Dry Skin Remedy

If you are looking for a dry skin remedy, look no farther than your kitchen pantry. You can make a dry skin natural remedy just by combining common foods and applying them to the skin. Some foods act as an internal remedy for dry skin as well. Some of the ingredients that can be used in a home remedy for extremely dry skin are honey, yogurt, olive oil, and oatmeal. Some herb teas are useful, too, as are a variety of other fruits and seeds.

Honey, a dry skin natural remedy, is a substance that is healing to the skin. When applied to the skin it is healing and moisturizing. It helps dead skin cells move from the surface and stimulates renewal and regrowth of skin tissues. It is also antibacterial. In severe cases, you can put honey on skin that needs a bandage. It will keep the bandage from sticking to the wounded skin. Yogurt can be used as a skin cleanser, acting as a natural moisturizer. Oatmeal heals and soothes dry skin, and helps the skin to slough off dead skin cells.

Cold-pressed olive oil works as an emollient, which means it soothes and softens. It helps the itching of eczema, which is a itchy skin condition characterized by oozing lesions. Eczema is sometimes associated with dry skin but not always. Olive oil can also be used on the scalp as a remedy for extremely dry skin and hair. Not only can olive oil be used externally, it is also an internal remedy for dry skin, along with other healthy oils. If you suffer from dry skin, try adding some heathful oils to your diet. It doesn't take a lot, as oils are very high in calories. Nuts are full of beneficial oil, as are fatty fish, such as salmon and mackeral.

Certain herb teas work as an internal remedy for dry skin. Use one teaspoon of the dried herb to one cup of boiling water. Remove from heat and let steep for 5 minutes. Covering the cup with a saucer while it is steeping will keep the medicinal properties of the herb from evaporating away. Some herbs that are beneficial as an internal remedy for dry skin problems are marshmallow, dandelion, peppermint, calendula, borage, and chamomile.

Soap and body wash are drying to the skin. You can make an alternative to a bar of soap by tying oatmeal flour or in a cloth tea bag can be used instead of soap. For extra moisturizing, add a little almond meal and aloe vera gel.

The following home remedy for dry skin is a soothing facial mask that can be made from ingredients in your kitchen. Combine an egg yolk with a tablespoon of mayonnaise or yogurt and and another tablespoon of honey. If you use yogurt, add a 1/2 tsp. of almond oil. Apply to skin lightly and let it dry. Wash off gently with warm water. Another healing facial mask that is a remedy for extremely dry skin is to beat an egg and add oat flour to it. You can make oat flour by whizzing oatmeal around in the blender. Spread the mixture on your face and relax for 10 minutes before gently washing it away. Always treat your delicate dry skin with the utmost of care.

Here is an alphabetical list of botanicals (plant products) that have been found beneficial in creating a dry skin natural remedy (to be used on the surface of the skin): aloe vera, apple, apricot pulp, banana pulp, chamomile, comfrey root, coriander seed, elderflower, fennel seed, grape pulp, green tea leaf, honey, kefir, lavender flower, licorice root, mango pulp, marshmallow root, whole milk, oatmeal, rose petals, and yogurt. Add to these whole milk, either cow's or goat's, and the cultured milk products yogurt and kefir. Honey and egg yolk round out the kitchen pharmacy for dry skin solutions. If you wish to try creating your own dry skin solutions using these ingredients, please choose plant products that have not been sprayed with pesticides. Furthermore, don't gather wild herbs that grow near a busy highway. The plants will absorb the exhaust fumes from the traffic and might do more harm than good. If you use seeds, make a strong tea of them by boiling them gently for 10 minutes and then letting them steep for an hour.

Jerrick Foo has been researching and developing all dry skin care the purpose of offering men and women safe, dry skin care tips. He have created Dry Skin Care Guide to share his 10 years of combined expertise with you. Visit for essential skin care tips.

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Sunday, September 24, 2006

Discover Effective Home Remedies to Dandruff

Dandruff is a common problem. You can fall victim to excessive dandruff at any age. 97% of Americans suffer from dandruff at some time. One out of every two persons in the world have problem with dandruff.

Common practice is to treat dandruff with anti-dandruff shampoos. But did you know that you can use simple effective home remedies to treat dandruff? Home remedies may offer complete solutions for controlling dandruff.

One of the best ways to control dandruff is to apply a mixture of vinegar and water on the scalp. Make a mixture of 2 teaspoons of vinegar and 6 teaspoons of water and apply it on the scalp before you go to bed. Keep it for the whole night with a towel around the head. Rinse your head with vinegar water again in the morning. If you continue to treat your hair with it for few months, it will serve your purpose.

You can also use a mixture of 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and 2-teaspoons of vinegar. Massage the scalp with this solution. After the massage, treat your hair with an egg shampoo.

You can rub a combination of 1 part sulfur powder, 2 parts surgical spirit, 1 part almond oil and 4 parts rose water or distilled water on your scalp to keep dandruff at bay. Or:
Boil a mixture of 4-5 dried thyme and two cups of water for 10 minutes. When the mixture cools down, massage it on the scalp and leave it for half an hour. Wash it afterwards and see the results. You will have a dandruff-free head.

You can also soak ground fenugreek seeds overnight in water and massage the paste on the head, leaving it for a few minutes. Wash it afterwards using a mild shampoo.
You can also prepare a homemade mixture of 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice with 100 grams witch hazel in 200ml of water and use it on washed hair. Applying the mixture several times is helpful in warding off the problem of dandruff.

If you wash your hair with warm apple cider vinegar, leaving it for 30-40 minutes and then rinsing it with plain water, you are sure to control dandruff positively. You have to continue this process regularly to stop its return. The smell of the vinegar does evaporate!
Try a mixture of olive oil and almond oil. Massage your scalp with the mixture and leave it for five minutes after you feel the burning sensation. Rinse properly and you should have a dandruff-free head.

Did you know the well-known pain killer aspirin, used for relieving aches, can serve you equally effectively to eliminate the problem of dandruff? Just crush and powder two aspirin tablets and add it to your shampoo. Leave the mixture on your scalp for two minutes. Rinse and wash properly to remove the aspirin particles completely from the scalp.

You can directly use Aloe Vera gel to remove excess dandruff. Apply the gel on your scalp 10-15 minutes before you plan to wash your hair. Regular use of the gel before shampooing will keep down the growth of dandruff.

These remedies take time to show a visible change but are effective for some people.
The best point concerning a home remedy is that you have many options and, if you think that a particular ingredient does not suit you, you can try an alternative. You should give each remedy at least a week before trying another.

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