Natural Home Remedies Blog

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Home remedies for dark circles under the eyes

How can one deal with dark circles under the eyes?

Dark circles under the eyes may be due to malfunctioning of the liver and constipation. Late nights may also be a contributing factor. Reduce the amount of fats in the food; deal with your constipation first. Take plenty of exercise and spend restful nights. The dark circles will disappear after some time.

For more information, visit Natural Home Remedies and Herbal Treatments

Friday, September 08, 2006

What is Acid Reflux?

Commonly referred to as GERD or acid reflux, gastroesophageal reflux disease is an uncomfortable condition where the liquid that is in a person’s stomach backs up or “refluxes” into the esophagus. Causing inflammation and damage to the esophagus lining in some patients, this can range from mild and uncomfortable to a very serious problem. Since this liquid is filled with both pepsin and acid and even bile, the reflux can cause pain and burning sensations.It is important to note that acid reflux is a chronic condition. Once a person starts suffering from acid reflux, they are usually plagued with the problem for life. After the esophagus heals via treatment, things may be going well. However, if treatment is stopped, the condition will more than likely return in a few months. For this reason, people suffering from acid reflux need to continue lifelong treatments.

Although many people are faced with the daily discomfort of acid reflux, few truly understand that everyone actually experiences reflux. Patients with GERD or acid reflux condition simply experience a reflux that has more acid. The acid also remains in their esophagus longer.

Reflux and acid can be harmful, but the body has a way of minimizing those affects. Usually, this occurs after eating when a person is sitting. The refluxed liquid usually follows the path of gravity and goes back into the stomach. We also have a habit of swallowing throughout the day. This also carries the liquid back into our stomachs. You may not even realize the fact that your saliva actually acts as a neutralizer for this acid.

Although acid reflux can affect almost anyone, there are instances where people are more likely to suffer from this problem. One of the best examples of this is during pregnancy. While many women experience “heartburn” or acid reflux during pregnancy, they often see a lessening of symptoms after delivery. The reason for the increased acid reflux problems during pregnancy can be explained by the fact that a fetus puts pressure on the abdomen. In addition, elevated pregnancy hormones often lower pressure in the esophagus, contributing to acid reflux. Other instances where people are more susceptible to acid reflux include patients with various diseases that affect the muscles in the esophagus.

Although acid reflux is a painful problem, there are treatment options available. There are both prescription remedies available as well as a variety of over the counter products that can help you to find relief from the pain and agitation of acid reflux. Just as abundant as medicinal remedies, there are a variety of natural remedies. One of the most recommended home remedies for acid reflux is cinnamon. If you are suffering from the pain of acid reflux, nibbling on a piece of cinnamon toast could be just the thing your body needs to alleviate your symptoms. Other home remedies include making a salad of Romaine lettuce.

Kathryn Whittaker has an interest in Acid Reflux. For further information on Acid Reflux please visit

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Thursday, September 07, 2006

Great Home Remedies for Acne

Acne is a skin condition which mostly affects teenagers, but has also been known to affect people in every age range from childhood to adults. Acne is usually associated with inflamed, red, blotchy skin, pimples and, in severe manifestations, cysts (hence the term cystic acne). It can also consist of clogged pores, both white and black comodomes (also called whiteheads and blackheads). Acne not only affects ones skin, but also affects ones mental outlook on life. Acne is a serious disease or condition and there are some great home remedies you can do to halt or limit its progression.

One obvious rule of thumb that pretty much everyone can agree on (including doctors and dermatologists) is that picking or squeezing pimples and or cysts is not good and can result in permanent scarring. Picking and squeezing acne of any form will damage the skin worse than it already is. Professionals, like dermatologists, may use a lancet to open a cyst or puss filled pimple as this will allow drainage and treatment of the acne causing bacteria. Per Dr. Howard Mann:

Acne is the result of clogged pores, which cause the hair follicles and sebaceous glands to become inflamed and infected. Areas that are particularly susceptible to acne include the chest, back, shoulders, neck, and face.Pimples and acne should not be picked at or squeezed to minimize the risk of scarring.

One important home remedy is cleanliness and the use of gentle cleansers. Harsh soaps tend to dry out the skin and can actually cause the over production of sebum or oil worsening the condition. What is better is to use a mild cleanser like Cetaphil or its generic equivalents. This will clean your skin and remove excess oil without overdrying your skin. Mild cleansers are also usually hypoallergenic so as to minimize any disturbance to acne inflamed skin. It is also important to make sure all makeup and similar products are removed before bedtime.

Proper hydration is also a key home remedy for acne. If your skin is not properly hydrated it can not properly cleanse itself or exfoliate properly and could end up in clogging the pores. Clogged pores are the leading factor in acne and proper hydration will minimize this. It is advised to drink atleast 6 to 10 glasses of water per day. Proper hydration will also improve your skins health and its ability to fight or ward off infection.

Another popular at home remedy that has only recently been made available is skin peels for increased skin exfoliation and treatment of acne bacteria. Stronger skin peels, like TCA peels (trichloroacetic acid) remove acne bacteria from deep inside the pores and return the skin to its natural pH or acidity level. They will increase exfoliation and, basically, make your skin an environment that is non conducive to acne bacteria. TCA peels have actually been found in studies to be as effective as Accutane, the strongest acne medicine available, without any of the horrible side effects. Doctors and dermatologists have been using TCA peels, like the infamous Obagi Blue Peel by Dr. Obagi, to treat and heal acne prone skin and resultant scarring.

David Maillie is a chemist with over 12 years experience in biochemical research, clynical analysis and skin care. For more information on TCA peels for in home use and other great anti-acne products and ideas please visit

Find 100% effective home remedy for Acne and Natural Home Remedies and Herbal Treatments

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Use A Home Remedy As A Hair Loss Cure

Although most doctors will tell you there is no such thing as a hair loss cure, there are many products on the market proposing that they can cure your hairloss problem. One of these is Rogaine, a topical treatment that you have to apply to the scalp twice a day. However, this treatment is not a hair loss cure because once you stop using it, you start to lose your hair again. If you look at the list of ingredients in this hair loss product, you will see that the main one is alcohol. This is one of the top ingredients that has been used for years in hairloss cures.

People have always searched for a cure for baldness. Way back in the early part of the 20th century, seven sisters claimed they had a hair loss cure. They used the proof of pictures of their father as a bald man and then with a full head of hair to show that their hairloss cure worked. The ingredients they used were alcohol, borox and quinine – toxic ingredients that one would never think of equating with a hair loss cure. Even back then, people were searching for a way to regain their hair because these sisters made a fascinating profit selling the product.

The product they developed is the basis on which modern day hair loss cures are based. With this product you wet a piece of white flannel cloth, the precise size of your head, with the solution. Keep it on your head overnight and if you need to, wear a cap to keep it in place. According to the reports written about this cure for baldness, the solution helps to loosen the matter that is caked on the hair follicles causing them to stop growing. The solution penetrates into the roots and helps to rejuvenate them. This is the same principle that hair loss cures are based on today.

The problem with a hair loss cure is that if it works, why are there so many different products on the market. If an actual cure for baldness were found, it would be in the headlines of all the major newspapers and magazines. While these so-called hairloss cures may work and spur hair growth, the process takes a long time and anyone using the products has to have a lot of patience. They don’t work overnight and in a small percentage of cases they don’t work at all.

Hair loss cures certainly have an interesting history!
For a website totally devoted to hair loss and hair replacement visit Peter's Website The Hair Replacement Guide, and find out about Hair Loss Treatments as well as Hair Restoration and more, including Male Hair Loss and Female Hair Loss

Find 100% effective home remedies for Hair care and Natural Home Remedies and Herbal Treatments

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Yeast Infection Home Remedies

Before looking into home remedies for treating a yeast infection, we must first understand how this infection begins.

The yeast that causes the yeast infection is called Candida albicans, and it is naturally present in everyone. Bacteria present in the genital area keeps the number of this yeast in miniscule amounts. Any change that will affect this balance could cause the growth of this yeast to increase unchecked. As soon as that happens, infection can set in. This imbalance can be result from a number of causes, such as the use of antibiotics, a sudden hormone change, a change in acidity in the vaginal area, and use of tight clothing that does not allow for proper ventilation.

There are many treatments available, including antifungal creams and prescription pills from physicians. Aside from these treatments, many women seek out home remedies that have a long-lasting effect, with no side effects. In fact, these remedies not only cure the infection, they can also be taken daily to prevent infection. This is unlike the antifungal medication, which can only be taken during an infection due to the fact that the medication can lose effectiveness if taken regularly.

Some examples that are known to remedy a yeast infection include the use of curds or yogurt. Yogurt and curds are regarded as the best form of home remedy. The bacterial content in the curds replaces bacteria that keep the yeast growth in check. Another well-known remedy is to drink two glasses of buttermilk everyday, whether you are infected or not. Making buttermilk a part of your daily diet will reduce the probability of a yeast infection.

Nearly 75 percent of all women suffer from yeast infections. For those of you who do not want to use medication to cure the infection, you have options that do not require you to seek medical assistance. These remedies can be used by everyone, and the ingredients are readily available.

Yeast Infections provides detailed information on Yeast Infections, Yeast Infection Symptoms, Vaginal Yeast Infections, Male Yeast Infections and more. Yeast Infections is affiliated with PMS Symptoms.

Find effective home remedies for yeast infections and Natural Home Remedies and Herbal Treatments

Monday, September 04, 2006

Old Fashioned Cures: Arthritis And Home Remedy

Arthritis is a disease that affects millions of individuals all over the world.

Especially in this country, the number of arthritis sufferers is staggering; especially considering that to this date, there is no cure for the debilitating disease.

Scientists have been working towards finding a cure in addition to finding reliable treatment programs that will allow patients to live life free from joint pain and aggravation.However, many sufferers are choosing to take the time to research arthritis and a home remedy on their own, turning to treatments used in generations past.For those suffering from arthritis and pain, a home remedy may be just the ticket to combat this disease.A popular method of treating arthritis and a great home remedy is supplements.By simply including the necessary vitamins and minerals, along with a quality diet, you can easily control your arthritis problems. Much like any problem concerning the body, nutrition is incredibly important.

Remember the old adage, “you are what you eat” and choose foods that will benefit your body and condition.For example, alfalfa contains a necessary ingredient in forming bones and ensuring bone strength.Another popular remedy is the aquatic herb Bogbean. Since the herb works as an anti-inflammatory, eating this herb or taking the herb in a supplement form can dramatically aid you in combating arthritis.

Other types of popular remedies include nutrition rich plants like ginger, known universally for its properties in fighting joint pain and stiffness.Whether you add ingredient into your diet or take supplements containing the root, your joints are sure to the difference.

For individuals who are unable or unwilling to take typical over the counter anti-inflammatory medications—including aspirin or Advil—due to the harmful effects on the stomach, should consider using Boswellia.

In addition to improving circulation and reducing inflammation, Boswellia will not cause any gastrointestinal pain or bleeding.Learn More and Get the Type of Natural Remedies for Arthritis that Will Help You With the Fatigue and Joint Pain Associated with Arthritis

Find more on Home Remedy for Arthritis and Natural Home Remedies and Herbal Treatments

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Heart Burn Symptoms

Spicy foods, large meals, sodas, coffee, citrus fruits, tomatoes and fried foods can all lead to heart burn symptoms. You can try a burn heart home remedy, but if you have not had these symptoms evaluated by a doctor, they could be related to a more serious condition. Common heart burn symptoms include a burning sensation in the throat or the chest. Non-burning chest pain, heaviness, pressure or nausea associated with chest pain should be checked out immediately by a physician.

If your heart burn symptoms are the more common type, you are not alone. Many people, particularly in the Western world suffer from heart burn symptoms everyday. Lifestyle, the foods we eat and obesity can all lead to heart burn symptoms. If you are looking for a burn heart home remedy other than the many over the counter antacids that are available, there are several botanicals that may be effective.

Gingerroot is a commonly available burn heart home remedy, as are peppermint and rhubarb. Some botanicals that may not be as easy to find, but that may relieve heart burn symptoms are bayberry, birch, dandelion, fennel, liverwort, pasture brake, pleurisy root, red clover and sweet rush root. These botanicals were all used by Native Americans to treat indigestion and heart burn symptoms. Consult an expert in herbs and natural remedies for usage instructions.

Sometimes the best burn heart home remedy is prevention. Once you experience heart burn symptoms, you can try a botanical or over the counter med, but evaluating the foods that you eat and your lifestyle may prevent the heart burn symptoms from recurring. I love tomatoes, but noticed that whenever I ate them, I experienced heart burn symptoms. All foods do not affect all people the same way, so it is necessary to evaluate your own diet personally. Heart burn symptoms that occur after a large meal may not be related to a specific food, but just to the fact that the stomach is overly full and acid has backed up into the lower throat or esophagus. It is the stomach acid that causes the burning sensation.

Lying down after a large meal can lead to heart burn symptoms. Proper digestion does not occur in this position, so another good burn heart home remedy is a leisurely walk after dinner. Other forms of exercise after a large meal may only increase the heart burn symptoms. Even repeatedly bending over to pick up the kids toys or loading the dishes in the dishwasher may cause the acid to rise up out of the stomach and lead to heart burn.

Smoking can cause heart burn symptoms. Smoking dries out the saliva in the mouth and throat that would normally neutralize stomach acid. If the other risks associated with smoking have not made you quit, maybe your heart burn symptoms will. Neutralizing the stomach acid is the goal of any burn heart home remedy as well as the over the counter and prescription meds. Sometimes a calcium supplement will work. Calcium carbonate is the active ingredient in many common antacids.

Another way to avoid heart burn symptoms is to drink water with your meals instead of soda, in fact drinking soda before bed can lead to night time heart burn symptoms. Night time heart burn can be particularly distressing and may lead to coughing fits and disturbed sleep. Drinking water is not a burn heart home remedy, but may prevent the heart burn symptoms form occurring in the first place.

Chronic heart burn symptoms should be reported to and evaluated by your doctor. Acid reflux disease is often first diagnosed after a person reports frequent heart burn symptoms. While occasional symptoms may be effectively treated with a burn heart home remedy, chronic heart burn symptoms may require additional treatment.

Find effective home remedies for heart burn and Natural Home Remedies and Herbal Treatments