Natural Home Remedies Blog

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Home Remedies For Hair Loss: Ease Hair Growth Without Hurting Your Pocket

For most of the people loss of hairs and resulting baldness happens to be a traumatic experience. The agony of hair loss may cause depression in some. But folks with excessive hair loss must give up brooding and should gear up to fight against their baldness.

Now a days, there are good number of chemicals and medications that have been found bringing back hairs on scalps. In addition to medicines and chemicals meant to be applied on scalps, there are a good number of home remedies for excessive hair loss as well.

These home remedies are very much cost effective and very convenient to be adopted. Before opting for these home treatment options you must be sure that you have excessive hair fall as a little hair fall is a part of normal hair cycle.

Some useful home remedies for preventing hair loss are as follows:

Yolk Massaging
It is easiest possible home remedy. You can apply uncooked yolk on your scalp and leave your scalp with yolk for an hour. You can do it every alternate day. In fact this practice doesn't bring back hairs but tend to reduce hair fall.

Olive Oil and Castor Oil
These oils are very effective in hair loss. You can regularly use these oils on your scalp to combat excessive hair loss. But castor oil is only meant to be used for hair roots so better not apply it on hairs.

Seeds of Mustard
It sounds incredible but it's true that drinking water with mustard seeds is a solution to baldness if the practice is continued for a few months. For taking seeds you should first boil a cup of water. A few seeds of mustards are dropped in simmering water and cooked for a few while. Once the water cools down you can drink mustard water solution.

Red Henna
Red Henna is one of the most common home remedy. You can apply Red Henna every alternate day to get the desired result. It is very effective hair loss curbing agent.

Coconut Milk
It could be very effective as hair loss remedy. It is basically applied to roots of hairs.

A liquid made up Fenugreek and water could be also massaged for the same. The practice should be continued for at least two to three months.

In addition to above discussed remedies, there could be certain dietary measures too. Like, you must consume milk products, egg and Vitamin B rich foods. In take of minerals such as Copper and Iron are also very important to prevent hair loss.

Take benefit of these home treatment options of hair loss as it could solve your problem without making you spend too much on treatment. Good Luck.

About the Author:

To get more information on home remedies, hair loss remedies and hair care tips visit

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Skin Care Home Remedies

Natural homemade recipes for your skin are simple to make and cost-effective. What you put on your skin is just as important as what you eat. Commercial products often contain chemicals that are absorbed by your skin finding their way into the bloodstream which can be harmful to your overall health.

Virgin coconut oil/butter makes for a good moisturizer by providing a protective layer that locks in natural moisture. Coconut oil solidifies at temperatures below 78 degrees Fahrenheit. Place the coconut butter in small lip balm or eye cream jars or any small sterilized jar. For a lip balm, use coconut butter on its own or add peppermint or spearmint oil.

As an acne treatment, add a couple of drops of tea tree, lavender, or patchouli oil. For wrinkles, add rose, orange or patchouli oil. To treat eczema, add chamomile, geranium, or orange oil. To treat broken capillaries, add rose, palmarosa, or parsley oil. To treat cellulite, add grapefruit, tangerine, or orange oil. For stretch marks, add palmarosa or neroli oil. To treat burns, add geranium, patchouli or lavender oil.

For sunburned skin, break open a leaf of an Aloe Vera plant and smooth onto the skin. The gel is also good for other types of burns and has soothing, cooling, antibacterial, and antifungal properties. Strawberry juice, cucumbers and avocados are also soothing to sunburned skin.

For tired eyes, place cucumber slices over your eyes. For dark circles around your eyes, place cooled tea bags over your eyes.

For a homemade facial toner, mix green tea, chamomile or ginseng tea (made with mineral water or distilled water) with lavender or lemon oil. Green tea is rich in antioxidants which fight free radicals that damage and age the skin. Green tea is said to diminish fine lines.

Lavender oil is a good toner and lemon oil is a good rejuvenator and toner. Add Vitamin C crystals as a preservative and antioxidant. MSM (Methyl Sulfonyl Methane) is a natural source of organic sulfur good for the skin. Add MSM crystals to your toner or eat high sulfur foods such as kale or watercress.

Prick a capsule of Vitamin A, E, or wheat germ oil and smooth directly onto your skin, add to coconut, almond or apricot oil, or to your toner. Vitamin A is a potent antioxidant and Vitamin E is said to slow down the aging process. Almond oil soothes and lubricates the skin. Apricot oil protects and softens the skin. Wheat germ oil promotes skin elasticity.

For a moisturizing and refreshing mask, mix avocado with shredded cucumber. Avocados are rich in protein and Vitamin A. Cucumbers are cooling and cleansing. Use a mashed banana for a skin firming mask.

To lighten age spots, rub lemon directly onto your skin.

For a body powder, mix cornstarch and baking soda with your favorite essential oil. For a foot powder, mix cornstarch, baking soda and tea tree or peppermint oil. Baking soda acts as a deodorizer and soothes the skin. Tea tree oil is a natural antiseptic, germicide, antibacterial, and fungicide. Peppermint oil is soothing to the feet and swollen ankles.

Drinking plenty of water, eating raw fruits and vegetables, and getting plenty of rest are one of the best ways to achieving healthy and radiant skin. What goes into your body is reflective on your skin.

About the Author:

Elizabeth Kiely is the owner of EK Shower Caps:

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Friday, February 02, 2007

Homemade Cough Remedy

When you've got a cough you're not feeling your best. You aren't up to your everyday activities. There are a lot of ways to get rid of your cough, but the most important thing is to treat it early on, before your symptoms get any worse. If you wait, your cough will be harder to treat.

For a cough that you've had for only a day or two, consider this recipe for homemade cough syrup. It's very effective. It's made with ingredients you can find in any grocery store, if they're not already in your own pantry. Unlike a cough syrup from the drug store, you won't have to worry about side effects like sleepiness, or drying out your mucus membranes.

This recipe is especially effective for a dry cough. It helps soothe an irritated throat, breaks up phlegm in your throat, and keeps your chest from getting congested.

The one drawback to this homemade cough remedy is the taste. Nevertheless, if you want to be rid of a cough quickly, you should give it a try. There's nothing worse than not being able to sleep because of an unrelenting cough.

Most of these ingredients are ones you probably already have in your home. You may already be using them to improve your health.

The first ingredient is ginger. Even our ancestors were aware of the healing power of ginger. Not only is it effective in treating coughs, it's also good for arthritis. Ginger is an excellent anti-inflammatory. It is also a natural anti-histamine. Ginger is often recommended for chest congestion, as it can loosen the phlegm in your lungs.

The second ingredient is cayenne pepper. Cayenne is highly effective at relieving pain. It has a warming effect (like ingredients in Ben-Gay) that helps to suppress the pain on the area to which it is applied. Cayenne is also useful in treating a person with chills, as it warms and stimulates the body.

The next two ingredients are vinegar and honey. Vinegar helps neutralize the effects of a cough. Honey hinders the production of phlegm. Some parents give their children (over the age of one) a spoonful of honey each day because of its curative nature.

The final ingredient is water. In addition to diluting the strong flavor of this homemade cough remedy, water is essential to your body's fight against coughs and colds.

This homemade cough remedy can cure a minor cough. But for a persistent cough that has lasted for a week or two it is better to seek the advice of your doctor. It is important to receive medical attention immediately in order to keep a bad cough from getting worse.

About the Author:

Robert Miller contributes articles to several popular web sites, on wellness tips and healthy living themes.

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Remedies For Asthma Or Allergies

A lot people have asthma. My daughter, 41 years, included. She has suffered from attacks for many years. Recently I encounter three natural remedies that I asked my daughter to try. I have not yet received a report on these, so I would like to pass them on to you. Here is the first one.


Boswellia, an herb, is known for its anti-inflammatory abilities and its usefulness in reduces the effects of bronchitis, asthma, cough, laryngitis, and fever. It comes from the resin of a tree in India and made into a pill or cream. It is best known for use in arthritis.

Recommended dose is: 150mg three times a day.


Yamoa is an herbal powder treatment for Asthma, which is derived from the bark of an African gum tree. It is available in capsule and has been typically used to help asthma. It has a good history of helping asthma sufferers.

Minor Blue Dragon formula

The Minor Blue Dragon is a Chinese herbal formula. Another name for it is xiao-qing-long-tang, or XQLT. It’s a blend of eight herbal medicines used to treat asthma for centuries in Asia

The XQLT formula has been used effectively for bronchial asthma for centuries and it is said to have an even more powerful bronchodilator effect than prescription drugs.

This formulation contains ephedra, which has been banned in the US in diet formulas. However, ephedra in this formula is considered safe, since the formula only contains around 15% of this herb. The other ingredients in XQLT are paeonia alba, cinnamon, pinellia, ginger, schisandar, asarum, and glycyrrhiza. Nutritional Supplements That Help Reduce Asthma


In addition to the above herbs it is also important to take a good supply of antioxidants - especially vitamins A, C, and E, carotenoids, and selenium. Taking antioxidants helps to reduce the irritating effects of airborne free radicals, which can activate an asthma attack.


Magnesium has been shown to reduce the risk of developing asthma and might also be helpful in reducing asthma. Magnesium is also good for asthmatics because it helps to dilate the bronchioles. Also, make sure that plenty of water is drunk daily, which thins mucus. The recommended dosage of magnesium is 200-600 mg/day.


MSM has also proven useful for asthma aside from being beneficial for arthritis, allergies, fatigue, back pain, sinusitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, autoimmune diseases, and many other conditions. Start with 2000mg of MSM per day but be sure to take 50 to 150 micrograms of molybdenum daily since MSM needs molybdenum to activate it properly.

I was able to find a product that already has the proper molybdenum in the MSM, which makes it convenient to take just one pill. Go to google and put in the words “MSM molybdenum” and you will find some web sites that sell this MSM combination.

About the Author:

Rudy Silva has a degree in Physics and is a Natural Nutritionist. He is the author of Constipation, Acne, Hemorrhoid, and Fatty Acid ebooks. He also writes a newsletter called Natural Remedies For more information on his writings go to:

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Thursday, February 01, 2007

Sun Skin Care Tips

We should take good care of our skin all year round. Proper moisturizing and drinking plenty of fluids will help keep your skin healthy and young looking. Summer means we need to take a little extra care over our basic skin regime.

Today, it’s pretty hard not to be aware of the damage the sun can do to our skin. Turn on the TV or radio, pick up a magazine – there are warnings everywhere.

Funny thing is some people still don’t believe how damaging the sun can be. You’ll hear people say things like “I don’t burn” or “I only burn one and then I tan” or “I don’t believe sunscreen is good for me with all those chemicals.”

We cannot stress enough how important it is to protect your skin from the damaging rays of the sun. That doesn’t mean you cannot still get that beautiful tan.

It simply means you need to take some precautions so you won’t become a skin cancer statistic in the future. Also taking care will help keep your skin looking younger and healthier. UVA rays cause the skin to age, while UVB rays cause the skin to burn. You simply cannot overdo reminding someone to use sunscreen.

We recommend you apply foundation first thing in the morning before leaving your house. Ironic how us women are busy purchasing up all the anti aging products that hit the market trying to keep our skin looking youthful, yet we entirely ignore the damage that the sun can do.

So while we are busy applying anti age creams and sirums, we rush outside into the sun without applying any protection from the sun once again damaging our skin. Rather a vicious circle.

Okay enough – you get the picture I’m sure! So apply either a foundation with SPF15 first thing in the morning or apply your sunscreen and then your foundation.

So what does ultraviolet light do to the skin? UVA rays are the aging rays. They penetrate deep into the layers of the skin.

It is believed they are responsible for premature aging and skin cancer. UVB rays are the rays that cause you to burn. They affect the out skin layers and cause sunburn, skin aging, and skin cancer.

There are many brands of sunscreen on the market ranging in SPF, some water proof, some are hypo allergenic, some rich in kinetin known for cell rejuvenation and its healing qualities. Clinical studies have actually shown kinetin to reverse and repair sun damaged skin. Choose a sunscreen that best meets your needs.

Great, now we’ve slathered sunblock all over our body like we’re suppose to. But there are other areas we need to protect that we often forget about. Our eyes are subject to burning to so be sure to wear sunglasses that have at least a 99% block against UV rays. This will protect your vision and save you from the dreaded crow’s feet.

Wear a wide brimmed hat to protect your hair and further shade your eyes. You also need to protect your lips by using a lip gloss or balm that has at least a SPF15 rating.

It is also very important to drink lots of fluids. Stay away from caffeine based products and soda pop as they actually dehydrate the body. Drinking plenty of fluids hydrates the entire body so you don’t become a victim of heat stroke. Hydrating the skin also keeps it youthful and allows the body to flush toxins away much easier.

Summer is the fun season. Don’t hide inside fearful of the damaging rays. A little protection and common sense will keep you healthy and allow you to get out and enjoy the warm summer season. Have fun in the sun!

About the Author:

Sher from Estate Jewelry International has been serving customers for over 20 years, providing fashion, jewelry, and wedding help. So stop by and visit us at We'll help you make your fashion statement! Remember looking good doesn't have to cost a fortune!

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Home Remedies For Eye Infection

Different kinds of ailments attack your eyes causing eye infection. It can be due to many reasons but some of the common reasons for this infection is bacteria, viral or foreign object. It is known that people who wear contact lenses are more prone to eye infection due to presence of bacteria.

Some common eye infections are

Pink Eye (Conjunctivitis): It is one of the common infections which causes irritation and leads to redness of the eye. It is an air-borne disease so one has to be very careful.

Stye - Medically known as hordeolum, it is a small harmless lump formed at the base of an eyelash or inside the eyelid.

Blepharitis - It is an inflammation that affects the eyelids, causes itching, burning and irritation.

Orbital Cellulitis - It is the inflammation or infection surrounding the eye. This can get very serious, like losing your eyesight if the required treatment is not provided.

Keratitis (Corneal ulcers) - This is caused due to an injury to the cornea by a foreign body.

Dacryocystitis - An infection which happens to the tear duct.

Some common sign and symptoms are

Redness of eye
Yellow, green discharge
Irritation of the eye
Pain in the eye
Blurred Vision
Watery eye
Swelling of eye
Constant itching

Home remedies for Eye infection

To get rid of stye you can use hot compresses on the swollen lump with the help of hot cloth.

You can make herbal eyewashes by using 1 tsp dried eyebright herb steeped in 1 pint of boiling water. Cool and strain this liquid and use it as eyewash.

Avoid swimming in chlorinated water.

You can make warm compress by using chamomile, lavender or rose oil for conjunctivitis.

Soak aloe vera juice in a cloth to be placed over your eyes to soothe them. Aloe vera juice can be used as eyewash by following similar procedure.

To reduce inflammation and itchiness you can keep cold bread over your eyes.

Make an elderberry blossom tea and use it as eyewash, to soothe your eyes.

Use artificial tears to moisten your eyes, to flush out the foreign body.

You can put honey directly in your eyes or make honey eyewash by using three tablespoons of honey in two cups of boiling water.

For pink eye(conjunctivitis) fill a glass jar with distilled water and in that add 7-8 Jasmine flowers. Cover it with a lid and leave it overnight. The next morning pour drops of water in your eyes with the jasmine flower. Keep repeating till your eyes get soaked. Do this at least three times a day to notice the difference.

Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.

About the Author:

Sharon Hopkins has been managing a number of natural home remedies websites which gives information on Home remedies for Eye infection. By using simple home remedies we can overcome this problem.

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Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Home Remedies For Asthma Sufferers

There are a number of home remedies for asthma - some more effective than others. There are many "old wives tales" that have been handed down over the years, and many of these are really not effective at all.

The best home remedy for asthma is one that everyone with asthma should practice - environmental control.By environmental control, we are talking about controlling things in your home that will help to avoid asthma attacks. Historically, asthma treatments have dealt with the symptoms of an attack, after the attack has already started. The only preventative measure that was offered for many years was "avoid exercising and getting short of breath".

Over the last several years, much more has been learned about the causes and effects of asthma and it's now realized that asthma doesn't just sit dormant waiting for a flare-up. It is more like diabetes - a chronic condition that can be affected by your lifestyle and environment.

Because certain things in your home can trigger as asthma attack, one of the primary keys to avoiding it is to control your home's environment. So forget about inhaling crushed garlic or drinking onion tea - try some of these home remedies that actually work:

1. Avoid smoking or letting anyone else smoke in your home. Cigarette smoke is one of the most common irritants that causes asthma attacks.

2. Don't burn fires in wood fireplaces or stoves - the smoke from the fire can also irritate.

3. Watch what you spray in the air. Things like air fresheners, perfumes and cleaning products can get into the lungs and trigger asthma attacks.

4. Keep your home as dust-free as possible. Dust mites are one of the most common irritants for asthma sufferers. And this doesn't just mean dusting regularly, it also means avoiding things that can cause dust to accumulate:- Use polyester filled comforters and pillows- Wash all bedding in HOT water (130 degrees plus) weekly- Cover your mattresses and pillows with covers that are mite-proof- Use a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter which traps dust mites and other allergens. Many vacuum cleaners simply blow them back out after picking them up.

5. Avoid mold build-up, again one of the most common asthma triggers.

- Wipe down the bathroom and laundry room with bleach weekly
- Avoid humidifiers as they can encourage mold growth
- Use a fan or improve the ventilation in bathrooms to decrease moisture

About the Author:

Jackson Sperry offers advice about asthma symptoms, treatments and other related topics for the Asthma Explained website. For more helpful tips and advice, visit

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Bad Breath, Halitosis And Home Remedies

When the Webmaster of asked me to write an article on halitosis (bad breath) I was thrilled. Strange, you say, that I should be enthused about the subject of halitosis (bad breath)? As an RN for over 25 years I have smelled many, many kinds of breath/ halitosis, and found that breath is a wonderful diagnostic tool. It can tell me how sick the patient is, and sometimes even what they have.

I once worked with a wonderful doctor in the emergency room, who asked me what I smelled in the breath of a particular patient. We both felt we smelled a candida/yeast infection, and sure enough, that’s just what it turned out to be! Bad breath/ halitosis is always a sign that something else is going on, and I’d like to share with you a few interesting cases and general principles in this regard.

I have a friend who is a sensitive person. We were sitting at a table and I asked him how his day was. He said OK, but his breath was bad and his stomach seemed upset. After I asked a few more questions he finally let on he that he’d had an argument with his employer. As he was telling his story he drank the big glass of water I had given him. And as soon as he’d unburdened his feelings and the water was gone… so was his bad breath/ halitosis.

The moral of this story… dehydration and emotional issues can both affect our breath.Many patients who come to the emergency room have bad breath. Simply giving them fluids (water or salt water intravenously) not only helps their primary condition, but the bad breath as well. You don’t have to be in the Sahara desert to get dehydrated. Everyone needs to drink abundant water each day.Small babies do not have bad breath/ halitosis when they are healthy. Bad breath (halitosis) is a sign that something is wrong and needs attention. Healthy toddlers don’t have bad breath either, so when babies, toddlers or growing children develop bad breath, the following factors usually play a role: dehydration, stress, wrong foods, bad digestion and poor dental health.

Indeed, these are the same top causes of bad breath in adults, followed by digestive problems and infections, for which one should seek medical help. A great remedy for infections of all kinds, whether viral/ bacterial/ parasite and candida, or yeast, is Oil of Oregano.

Oil of Oregano is an all-natural remedy that is as strong as pharmaceutical antibiotics, but with no side effects. It is also a great first aid remedy to have on hand.I could go on and on about the distinct varieties of bad breath smells among those who drink alcohol, who smoke, who have diabetes, internal bleeding, liver diseases, or cancer. But I will spare you the unsavory details.

The point is to focus on clean breath, and to heal the underlying causes of bad breath, which will give you better health and more enjoyment of your life. By welcoming bad breath/ halitosis as an opportunity to take preventive measures, you will be doing yourself a world of good.May your breath be sweet! Pieternel van Giersbergen© 2005 Pieternel van Giersbergen.

About the Author:Pieternel has been an R.N for over 25 years. She develops natural products for preventive health and is an expert on natural health issues. This article was written for

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Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Home Remedies For The Common Cold

During the long winter months it is not unusual to catch the common cold. This can be cause by exposing yourself to the cold weather or someone sick; it is usually a person with the flu themselves. Although, most of us are familiar with the flu and expect it to wear out within a couple of days, it can still cause a great amount of distress.

But, you do not have to worry since there are many home remedies that can help you get rid and relieve the symptoms of the common cold.
• Take vitamin c tablets. They are good to help boost your immune system.
• Pour lemon juice and honey in to a small cup. Mix it up together. Take various tablespoons of the remedy through out your day. Repeat this process on a daily basis until you feel better.
• Prepare your favorite tea but replace the sugar with honey.
• Prepare a lemon tea by boiling half of the lemon in to two cups of water. Once the tea is prepared, sweetened with either sugar or honey.
• Cook your favorite soup but make sure you add garlic to help fight the microbes.
• Chicken soup will help ease the symptoms and relieve stuffiness.
• Drink lots of fluids. This helps loosen the phlegm.
• The Zinc vitamin can help boost your immune system.
• Take hot showers to alleviate stuffiness.
• Take over the counter drugs such as Tylenol and aspirin to relieve any body aches associated with the cold.

Important: This is not medical advice, the person taking any of this home remedies should ensure that he/she is not allergic to any of the products.Over the counter medicine should only be use by adults. For children buy drugs appropriate for their age.If the cold persists more than several days 3-10 then it would be advisable to consult a physician.Honey is harmful for babies under one year old.It is advisable to take home remedies at the first sign of the flu. You will get well a lot sooner.

About the Author:Kenia Morales is the publisher of online magazine "For Every Aspect of Today's Woman. Visit her site to find a variety of women related issues and topics" click here to read more inspirational articles written by her.

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Hair Loss And Home Remedies

Hi All:

Today’s article is all about hair loss and home remedies. While there are a LOT of products on the market today that claim to slow, stop, prevent or reverse hair loss, there are many other ways to attack hair loss that don’t include using strong chemicals or prescription drugs. Granted, some are effective and some are not, but the only way to know for sure (just like using Propecia) is to try them for yourself.

I’m going to list a few possible ways to treat hair loss and let you make up your own mind on their effectiveness. Just to remind you all…I am not advocating any type of hair loss treatment, simply because every person is different and what might work for you might not work for someone else!Okay, the first type of home remedy can be categorized as “herbal”.

Many folks, including myself, have begun using certain herbs to combat all sorts of problems…anything from aging skin to a lack of energy to, you guessed it, hair loss. Here are some of the more popular herbs pertaining to hair loss…Stinging nettle: Also known as Urtica Diocia, this herb has the ability to block the conversion of testosterone into DHT (DHT is often the cause of male hair loss).

An optimum dose of 50-100mg per day in capsule form is recommended.Ginkyo biloba: this herb is thought to improve blood circulation to the brain and skin. It is believed that the increased flow of blood to the brain area delivers more nutrients to the hair follicle thus promoting hair regrowth.

A recommended dose is 120-160mg of dry extract each day spread over three doses.He Shou Wu: Also known as Polygonum Multiflorum, this herb has traditionally been used to reduce hair loss and can be taken in capsule form or as a tea.Pygeum Africanum: This herb is derived from the bark of the evergreen tree and it works like green tea. It is used to treat male pattern baldness.

You should take 60-500mg per day in pill or capsule form.Saw Palmetto: Also known as Seranoa Repens, this is a favorite choice for many men due to its ability to slow hair loss and encourage hair regrowth. Many commercially prepared hair loss treatments use this herb as a base but it can easily be found in its pure form.

A dose of 160mg twice each day is recommended, but be sure the ingredients are made from
the berry extract not the dried berries themselves.The second type of home remedy for attacking hair loss are external preparations that are applied to the hair and scalp directly. Some of these may sound odd, but you never know until you try, right?Safflower Oil: Also known as Carthamus Tinctorious, safflower oil applied to the scalp acts as a vasolidator that dilates blood vessels.

This allows more blood to deliver nutrients to the hair follicle thus creating an environment conducive to hair regrowth.Aloe Vera: You can rub Aloe Vera into your scalp each night. It’s believed that the herb activates the production of nitric oxide and contains an enzyme called superoxide dismutane.

These two substances combined may stimulate hair regrowth in those suffering from male pattern baldness.Red Pepper: Also know as Capiscum, you can apply Red Pepper to the scalp as a poultice. It irritates the scalp and stimulates blood flow to the base of the hair, which may encourage renewed hair growth.Onion: Yes, onions.

Some believe that rubbing the scalp with an onion before shampooing may actually stimulate hair growth…your mileage may vary!There are many more home remedies that may aid in hair growth or regrowth. I will talk about these in future articles. Thanks for reading and take care!

About the Author:

Dave McCloskey is a long-time hair stylist who wants to share his knowledge with folks on the web.

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