Natural Home Remedies Blog

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Causes and Remedies of Dark Eye Circles

Nine out of 10 people have dark circles under eyes, so it is quite common to have them more or less visible.

Unless there are genetically inherited, the factors that can cause dark eye circles are related to stress, fatigue, age, allergies, sun exposure and so on. The good news is there are remedies for each situation. Let's see:

Lack or poor quality of sleep. Sleep means a minimum activity for the body. It is an opportunity for rest and restoration in organs and tissues. Dermatologists recommend 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep every night. If not, blood vessels become more visible resulting in dark eye circles.

Increased fluid retention. This condition may be a consequence of internal disorder due of the blood vessels located under the eye areas can become dilated and engorged. But very often fluid retention is caused by a salt dietary or smoking. In these situations the solution is a normal diet and/or smoking cessation.

Aging. On one hand aging may produce sunken appearance. On the other hand the skin may lose its tension and firmness. You may improve your appearance using cosmetic products with antioxidant ingredients such as Vitamins A and C and green tea. Also nourish and moisturize the under eye areas using an appropriate cream.

Sun exposure. It can contribute to dark eye circles by weakening the skin and creating 'age spots'. You may use the anti aging remedies described above, plus a sunscreen use everyday.
Food allergies. In many cases, dark eye circles are a consequence of an allergic condition caused by a some food your body cannot tolerate well. If you can associate appearance of dark circles with a special food intake, you better avoid it.

Valerian D is a freelance writer specialized in issues affecting men and women as well such as dark eye circles

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