Natural Home Remedies Blog

Monday, February 05, 2007

Home Remedies For Asthma Sufferers

There are a number of home remedies for asthma - some more effective than others. There are many "old wives tales" that have been handed down over the years, and many of these are really not effective at all. The best home remedy for asthma is one that everyone with asthma should practice - environmental control.

By environmental control, we are talking about controlling things in your home that will help to avoid asthma attacks. Historically, asthma treatments have dealt with the symptoms of an attack, after the attack has already started. The only preventative measure that was offered for many years was "avoid exercising and getting short of breath".

Over the last several years, much more has been learned about the causes and effects of asthma and it's now realized that asthma doesn't just sit dormant waiting for a flare-up. It is more like diabetes - a chronic condition that can be affected by your lifestyle and environment.

Because certain things in your home can trigger as asthma attack, one of the primary keys to avoiding it is to control your home's environment. So forget about inhaling crushed garlic or drinking onion tea - try some of these home remedies that actually work:

1. Avoid smoking or letting anyone else smoke in your home. Cigarette smoke is one of the most common irritants that causes asthma attacks.

2. Don't burn fires in wood fireplaces or stoves - the smoke from the fire can also irritate.

3. Watch what you spray in the air. Things like air fresheners, perfumes and cleaning products can get into the lungs and trigger asthma attacks.

4. Keep your home as dust-free as possible. Dust mites are one of the most common irritants for asthma sufferers. And this doesn't just mean dusting regularly, it also means avoiding things that can cause dust to accumulate:

- Use polyester filled comforters and pillows
- Wash all bedding in HOT water (130 degrees plus) weekly
- Cover your mattresses and pillows with covers that are mite-proof
- Use a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter which traps dust mites and other allergens. Many vacuum cleaners simply blow them back out after picking them up.

5. Avoid mold build-up, again one of the most common asthma triggers.

- Wipe down the bathroom and laundry room with bleach weekly
- Avoid humidifiers as they can encourage mold growth
- Use a fan or improve the ventilation in bathrooms to decrease moisture

About the Author:
Jackson Sperry offers advice about asthma symptoms, treatments and other related topics for the Asthma Explained website. For more helpful tips and advice, visit

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