Herbal Home Remedies for Obesity Treatment
Obesity is the bodily condition that has been recognized by excessive deposition of fat in adipose tissue. It is due to the excessive consumption of food to meet the physiological needs. Its incidence is higher in persons who consume more food and burn less calories. It can occur at any age.
* Overeating - intake of calories is above the body's requirement.
* Low basal metabolism
* Thyroid or pituitary gland disorders.
* Sedentary life style
* Genetic factors
* Hormonal imbalance
* Honey is one of the excellent home remedy for obesity. 10-15 grams of honey should be taken with hot water in the starting and the doze can be increased with the time.* One teaspoon of fresh honey mixed with a juice of lime in a glass of lukewarm water can be taken at regular intervals.
* Cabbage is considered to be an effective home remedy for obesity treatment.
* Mint is beneficial in dealing with the problem of obesity. Mint chutney taken along with meals is highly beneficial.
* Regular intake of carrot juice helps in the reduction of weight.
* Certain yogic asanas like sarvangasana, halasana, bhujangasana, shalabhasnaa, dhanurasana, chakrasana, naukasana, ardhmatsyendrasana, paschimottasana, vajrasana, yogamudra and trikonasa are very beneficial as these asanas improves the blood circulation and strengthens the weak areas which helps to melt the excess fat.
* Yogic kriyas like kunjal and jalaneti and pranayamas such as kapalbhati and bhastrika are helpful in normalizing the body weight.
* Eating 11-12 leaves of curry for about 4 months helps to reduce weight.
* Eating tomato early in the morning before breakfast for 3-4 months also reduces weight.
* Boil sliced ginger in a pot and add lemon slices when boiling, drink it while hot. This will control overeating and helps in the treatment of obesity.
* Drink a cup of water with 3-4 teaspoons limejuice, one-fourth teaspoon powdered black pepper and a teaspoon of honey every day for 3-4 months.
* Drinking a cup of dandelion root tea thrice daily is beneficial.
* French beans, jackfruits, grapes, figs, peaches, phalsa and guava should be included in the daily diet.
Alien writes for Health doctor . He also writes for blackheads treatment and acne medicines
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